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Jim Lewis Original Astrocartography Map

Astrocartography Books

StarWise Guide to Finding Paradise - Free Download
New Information on Astrocartography Maps and Locational Astrology

Fresh, practical guide to astrocartography maps and locational astrology charts.   Professional Astrocartographer, Stephen Byers, explains the secrets behind his success in finding "Paradise" for thousands of clients since 1975.   

This concise ebook helps you find the place where your opportunities and resources are at their maximum.   Whether your reason for wanting to relocate is to find true love, make a fortune, have great health, a wonderful job, public fame or "just" be happy, you will find the answers you seek in this ebook.   A "must-read" for anyone wanting more fulfillment in their life by using the full power of astrocartography.   

Based on the true life experiences of ordinary yet ambitious people, this Guide reveals many insights quite different from the standard A*C*G maps and reports.   You will gain a new and deeper understanding of your chart, your ACG maps and your life.   This ebook empowers you to better exploit your possibilities, both now and in the future. 

Your Right Horoscope - Free Sample Chapters Recommended reading for those considering any move based on Astrocartography.

This brilliant ebook helps you finally understand yourself correctly and completely by introducing you to your chart in its true-to-life three-dimensional shape. Get ready for some BIG surprises when you first see your horoscope in 3-D. Luckily, you don't have to wear weird plastic glasses to see 3-D astrology.  Purchase the full version for only $9.95.

Picturing Paradise - Free Sample Chapters  Learn where to achieve your goals.

This fascinating ebook grades each of your planets in each of the 12 possible new relocated natal chart (RNC) house positions.  From Sun in RNC First House (1h) to Pluto in RNC Twelfth House (12h), all 120 possible planet-house combinations are precisely rated.  The short and long-term effects of any relocation are further divided into six different areas of life, individually rated to further help you decide where Paradise is for you.  These include job, love, family, home, health and overall.  These 720 graded evaluations of your planets in the houses help you pinpoint your own ideal Paradise on earth.  Purchase the full version for only $11.95.

Selecting Paradise - Free Sample Chapters  Essential information for finding Paradise (by relocating) and also to helping you choose the right moment to move.

This ebook grades each of your planets in each of the 12 possible signs. From Sun in Aries to Pluto in Pisces, all 120 possible planet-sign combinations are rated.  The effects of any sign are further divided into six different areas of life, individually rated to further help you understand the what it means to you.  These include job, love, family, home, health and overall. These 720 graded evaluations of your planets in the signs help you time your key activities in finding Paradise.  Purchase the full version for only $11.95.

The Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy
Kenneth Irving wrote this great book based on astrocartography material compiled by Jim Lewis before his death.   Although temporarily out of print, you can get used copies at "" or ""   This "definitive" work elaborates on the original ideas Jim Lewis presented in his booklet that accompanies his A*C*G maps provided by ANS. The approach taken to analyzing the planet lines is based on psychology and mythology--which was very popular back in the 1980's--and reminds one of the writings of Jim Lewis and Liz Greene.

Local Space Map
Synastry - A Local Space Astrocartography Map Technique

3-D AstroMap
3D Astrocartography Map - No Yet Invented
(Not yet invented)

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